This first image is a GIF of colorful changing squares

This image was obtained from:

Characteristics of the GIF graphic format:

  1. GIF is the abbreviation of Graphics Interchange Format
  2. The GIF graphic format can loop indefinitely
  3. It works by fliping through individual frames
  4. Some programs can divide gifs into their original frames and display them

This second image is a PNG of a black & white illusion

This image was obtained from:

Characteristics of the PNG graphic format:

  1. PNG is the abbreviaton of Portable Network Graphics
  2. PNG supports transparency
  3. PNG's compression is lossless

This third image is a JPG of a black & white Spiral illusion

This image was obtained from:

Characteristics of the JPG graphic format:

  1. There is no difference bwteen JPG ad JPEG other than it's history. Windows did not accept more than 3 letters for a file format, while MacIntosh did
  2. JPEG/JPG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group
  3. JPG is universally known in the computer industry
  4. JPG can be reduced and compressed